Monday, October 7, 2013

Listen up Sixteen year old Erika

I am back to answer some more of the questions for my kiddos:-) 
Question #4 is this:
 List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

I would tell my 16 year old self this: Take more risks, you only get to be a teenager one time. Try out for things, go on trips, plan for your future.  Make more goals, and acheive them. 
Don't beat yourself up over everything, and stop trying to be someone else. You are a pretty great person who has a lot to offer to those around you, don't be so shy. 
Don't be in a hurry to grow up.  Listen to your parents, they actually know stuff!
Boys are trouble, don't spend time worrying about them in High School.  Enjoy being single and having fun with friends. Serious relationships aren't necessary until you are old enough to marry.  Love God and others more. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Relationship with Dereck

Question #3
What is your relationship like with your spouse? (graphic version)
Well I am not too sure what this means by graphic version,but I will give a little view into our marriage.
Dereck and I got married pretty young, like I just turned 20. We have a really close relationship and are each others best friends. There is no one I would rather be with over him.  We have had many challenges to face and overcome throughout our marriage (who doesn't?) but I think they have brought us closer.  Dereck never criticizes me, alone or in front of others, he is a very gentle person. When we have a problem we generally work it out pretty quickly.  Dereck doesn't voice his opinion too much unless I ask for it which is nice and not sometimes lol. I like to talk about things until there is nothing left to say about them and Dereck usually amuses me and listens and comments if needed even if its not that interesting to him. He is a GREAT listener.Dereck loves all sports and video games but has NEVER put it before me. If he plays video games it is when I am busy with something else, or sleeping, or gone. We have a lot of fun together, and we love to laugh together and at each other. He gets me and I get him. Its not always the easiest thing to do but we make the choice to stay in love and committed every single day.

Jessie Girl

Jessie started preschool on Monday, What a great anticipated day it was for her.  Like I did for Jazzy I want to document some fun little things abour her at the crazy age of 4.
Favorite food
mac and cheese
chicken nuggets
green beans

Favorite thing to do
Play "house"
Play with babies
Play Dr.
Play with her sister
shop for clothes and shoes
watch movies
make others laugh

Her Personality
Jessie is still pretty shy and unsure about new situations at first. But Jessie likes to be with people. She is very aware of her surroundings, and likes to know whats going on at all times. Jess loves fashion; clothes, shoes, purses, makeup (I don't let her wear makeup except chapstick but she loves watching and pretending) When we go to stores she likes to put outfits together. Jessie has the sweetest little voice but when she gets excited her voice is super high pitched and hard to understand.  Jessie loves babies and is a great helper around the house. She enjoys cleaning and organizing and reading.

I am so proud of the beautiful young lady Jessie is turning into and I know God has great plans for her life. As she starts preschool, it makes me a little sad that her baby years are over but I know the next years are going to be great too!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Legit fears

Continuing right along here question 2 is-
2.describe 3 legitimate fears you have and how they became fears.
     - spiders&roaches...Im not sure how the spiders did but when I livedin China roaches were huge and I think it freaked me out for life.
      -a man following, or walking or breaking into my home, I have no reason to fear this except for the fact that we live in a crazy world with crazy psycho people who like hurting others.
       -my family and friends dying without knowing and having a relationship with Jesus. It's very clear in the bible what happens to people who don't know and have a relationship with Jesus when they die. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Sunday, August 25, 2013

20 Random Facts About Me

So here it goes, I'm going to get started! 20 Random Facts about me...

1. I cannot stand drinking out of glass cups, or any cup that isn't plain plastic like Eskimo Joes.
2. I cannot watch scary movies, shows, or commercials. Even if I only watch part of one I cannot sleep and if I do sleep I wake up often thinking about the scary parts.
3. I love a fan blowing in my face when I sleep.
4. I hate clutter on my kitchen counters, but I don't mind it in my room, or closets.
5. I like watching sad movies
6. I could eat chocolate anytime anywhere
7. I don't like seafood. At all.
8. When I hear others yell at each other it freaks me out, I really just like everyone to be calm and happy.
9. I am either all in, or all out.
10. I change furniture around a lot because I get bored.
11. I love people
12. I love laughing
13. I love laughing with and at people.
14. I don't make my bed until I am getting in it at night.
15. I take a very long time finding a shampoo I like, I get bored with scents so I have to change it up all the time.
16. I get tired of the smell of lotion really fast too, I don't think I have ever used a whole bottle of lotion.
17. I love almost every vegetable and fruit.
18. When I talk about something I am passionate about I get cold and can't stop shivering
19. I love baking, the process, and the results
20. listening to worship music super loud gets me motivated to clean.

30 things I wish my kids knew about me

I found this fun little questionaire on Pinterest tonight. The title is "30 things my kids should know about me" It is from the blog I thought it would be fun to list some randomness that one day my kiddos might find interesting. So here is the list, and I will hopefully get all 30 done within the next few months:-)
1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears (graphic version)
3. Describe your relationship with your spouse. (graphic version)
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. What’s the hardest part of growing up?
14. Describe 5 and weaknesses strengths you have.
15. Describe when you knew your spouse was the one or how I fell in love.
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What do you think your spouse loves most about you?
19. How did you feel the moment you became a parent?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. Describe your relationship with your parents.
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
24. What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about parenthood?
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What’s your favorite quality in your spouse?
29. What are your hopes and dreams for your prosperity?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

All About Jasmine Kate

Jazzy is going to kindergarten NEXT WEEK! It is insane how fast time slips away.  Here's a little all about Jazzy post to celebrate who she has become this far pre kindergarten. I know she is going to change so much this year.

Favorite Food
*Hands down all favorite Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
*cheese roll ups
*apples and peanut butter
* banana bread
*Any chocolate
*Cheese pizza

Favorite shows
*Any barbie movie
*Spy Kids
*Bubble Guppies

Favorite toys/games/activities
*Candy Land
*Polly Pockets
*Stuffed animals

What does she want to be when she grows up
*Surf Girl

Favorite books
*Fancy Nancy
*Brown Bear Brown Bear

Who she is
*Jazzy always includes others, weather that be including Gma Carol in family activities, or playing with new kids at the park. 
*She is very compassionate towards others.
*She loves making people laugh (including babies)
*She likes to be heard, if she feels like her opinion is not being heard correctly she gets upset.
*She follows most of the time but can be a great leader too.
*She loves to pray, and does it often
*She loves mommy/daddy daughter dates, she just gets so excited about it.
*never intentionally hurts others
*Her smile can light up a room
*When she is upset she pouts like no other
*She loves pleasing others

I am so excited and sad all at the same time about her starting kindergarten. I know she is going to grow up so much this year as she has more responsibilities, I have loved having her home and spending all my days with her but am ready to see her blossom, learn, and make new friends. I just can't believe that day is here already. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Branson trip May 2013

We took a little 3 day weekend to Branson with my parents, sister Stephanie and her family, my aunt and cousin, and grandma Carol. We ha a wonderful time despite the cold weather. May 5 should always be warm :-) Jessie and jazzy didn't even remember what a hotel was since we hasn't stayed in one for about a year so Jessie especially had a hard time wrapping her mind around the concept I sleeping in a bed that wasn't ours or Grandma Ruthies. We stayed at Grand Country Inn so the girls and their cousins loved swimming, and after the weather being not so great we were glad we chose this hotel. We went to silver dollar city 2 different times for part days and it was a blast! Jazzy rode her first roller coaster , and didn't love it, maybe next year?! Jessie rose every ride she saw and always requested to ride with her best friend cousin Carson. We are hoping for a few more small vacations to happen this summer... It was so much fun!

Monday, March 25, 2013

It Happened...

I LOVE adoption, I do. I love that God gave me two beautiful daughters who fit perfectly with Dereck and I.  I am so thankful that I am able to be a mother even though I have been unable to meet, or raise any baby I have ever carried. But today was the day I had been dreading since we adopted our girls.  Jazzy is the kind of kid who rarely asked questions, she just kinda has her own drum beat she marches to, she loves life and she really doesn't seem to think too much about stuff. If she asks something, the answer you give her is good enough, she doesn't need to know more. So therefore our time as adoptive parents have been pretty easy. She has NEVER asked about her other mother or why we look different. She knows she is adopted and its explained as best as it can be to a 5 year old and thats that.
BUT Jessie, oh this girl is inquisitive and I think she sits around thinking of things she can ask and contemplate, and figure out. She asks a million questions a day, and usually already knows the answer to them, and will tell you the answer to her questions if you ask. She can persuade situations to benefit her and her plans, she loves sticker charts, and always wants to win, she likes making "lists" like mommy. She has definately kept me on my toes the past year. Today I was in the kitchen washing dishes, and she was coloring at the table, making me a "surprise" after she asked if I liked surprises, I assured her I did, who doesn't? Besides Jessie, she likes to know whats going on all the time! Anyways, as she was chatting back and forth between Grandma Carol and myself, she asked the dreaded question, the one I had thought about since the day I adopted her, the one I have prayed about, cried about, asked others opinion about, all to be left with the answer...You will know what to say when it happens, because it will happen. She said "Mommy, did I come out of your tummy?" I wanted to say yes, shield her from the news thinking it would devastate her to know. But I want to be honest from day one with as much information she needs to know. So I said no you didn't Jessie, not from my tummy. She interrupted me and said "But babies come from Mommy's tummies" I told her that she came from a different mommy's tummy. she said "Where is she?" I told her I didn't know but that she couldn't take care of her so I got to be her mommy and take care of her and love her, because thats what God planned for her life. Amazingly enough, that was all she needed to know, then she changed the subject back to rainbows or flowers (thank goodness).
 My goodness I wish this wasn't apart of their story. I wish so much that I could delete the bad thats happened in their life. I never ever want them to feel bad about anything in their life, I never want them to feel rejection or pain, inevitably they will ask more questions,and want to know more about their other mother and family as they get older and try to figure this crazy life out for themselves. I just wasn't ready for it today, and I probably won't be ready next time either.