Sunday, August 25, 2013

20 Random Facts About Me

So here it goes, I'm going to get started! 20 Random Facts about me...

1. I cannot stand drinking out of glass cups, or any cup that isn't plain plastic like Eskimo Joes.
2. I cannot watch scary movies, shows, or commercials. Even if I only watch part of one I cannot sleep and if I do sleep I wake up often thinking about the scary parts.
3. I love a fan blowing in my face when I sleep.
4. I hate clutter on my kitchen counters, but I don't mind it in my room, or closets.
5. I like watching sad movies
6. I could eat chocolate anytime anywhere
7. I don't like seafood. At all.
8. When I hear others yell at each other it freaks me out, I really just like everyone to be calm and happy.
9. I am either all in, or all out.
10. I change furniture around a lot because I get bored.
11. I love people
12. I love laughing
13. I love laughing with and at people.
14. I don't make my bed until I am getting in it at night.
15. I take a very long time finding a shampoo I like, I get bored with scents so I have to change it up all the time.
16. I get tired of the smell of lotion really fast too, I don't think I have ever used a whole bottle of lotion.
17. I love almost every vegetable and fruit.
18. When I talk about something I am passionate about I get cold and can't stop shivering
19. I love baking, the process, and the results
20. listening to worship music super loud gets me motivated to clean.

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