Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Date night

Dereck and I have been married 8 years today! We have definately had lots of joy and some sadness in the past 8 years. We have grown personally and together, I know him and love him more today because of everything we have been through together.  This weekend my mom is graciously watching the girls and Gma so we can go out on an overnight date. We are going to go to Wichita and I was thinking a little list of questions I found on Pinterest would be fun, even though we have been married 8 years there are a lot of things I have yet to learn about Dereck, or somethings that have changed about him.  I also have a scavenger hunt planned at Target...Both of us will have a list of things to find (blue stripes, red cup, cat toy, etc) take a picture of the item, and then whoever gets to the front of the store with all the pictures is the winner. I am pretty excited to spend some time with just him! I plan to get back on here and answer the 30 questions just for fun. So I will be back!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! I hope you had a great time and I can't wait to see your upcoming post(s). :)
