Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Some things I am thankful for today.
-God's unfailing love
-God's grace
-God's promises
-God's faithfulness
-a husband who loves me unconditionally
-daughters who bring me so much joy
-sisters I can call anytime
-Praying parents who teach me so much....even now after 26 years!
-freedom to worship God every sun,mon,tues,wed,thurs,fri,sat anytime anywhere
-worship music
-mornings when the birds are chirping outside my window
-my daycare kiddos who make me laugh.
-friends who randomly text or call just to say hi
-good books
-my home
I am sure there are hundreds of more things I could mention here. I will be back....

1 comment:

  1. You are such a joy to me Erika! You've never once broken my heart, but always a joy. Love, Dad
