Friday, January 21, 2011

Voice of Hope

The Other day I was listening to my Itunes playlist and this song called Voice of Hope by Lara Martin came on.  And it took me back a few years when I had just had another miscarriage and Dereck was continually sick,and  I really felt all alone,and hopeless, and unsure of what our future held , and I didn't understand how God could possibly allow us to lose another baby, and all I wanted to be was  a mom. I was definately having a pity party.  My Dad came over for dinner and offered us a huge amount of encouragement and asked me if I had heard this song. I listened to this song over and over and over for the following year. Because thats what I needed to know that God is the only one who can give hope in situations that seem hopeless, God's ways and thoughts arehigher than ours, God has and had everything under control and he never left. Listen to this song and be encouraged.

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