So on October 19th my smart, funny, talented, beautiful, sweet, spirited daughter Jasmine turned 3. From the moment I met Jasmine she has captured me and gave me no chance to not fall in love with her. From her sparkling eyes to her smile that melts anyones heart she knows how to get ya.
Now that Jasmine is 3 I am noticing many things are starting to change, here are a few that I have noticed more and more.
-she is imagining more,-she is playing with others more
- "reading" books to her stuffed animals
-expressing her wants with words more clearly
-starting to have more opinions about what she wants to do
Jasmine's favorite things to eat are
-anything chocolate (a girl after my own heart)
-chicken nuggets
-french fries
-any kind of baked good (muffin, cake, bread)
-Mac and cheese
-grilled cheese
-green beans
-raw carrots
-Jasmine is very tiny still and the last time she was weiged she weighed 25 lbs. but her height is in the 50% for her age so I know she is growing just up not out.
-Jasmine has been pretending like she is feeding you certain foods, especially if she wants to draw your attention away from getting on to her, she will grab at the air or the floor and say you want a cookie. You can't help but want it.
-Jasmine has also learned that her baby sister wants to do and be wherever she is and is starting to not be so thrilled with the fact.
-She is picking up on things people are saying and then remembering them to use later on:-)
-We are still working on potty training, but I am very proud of her for the progress she has made...we even had our first trip to Wal-Mart in panties and she told me when she needed to go....talk about a proud mom moment.
-Anytime Jasmine says something is scary she shakes and says it in a monotone voice....so funny!
-The second Jasmine wakes up she wants chocolate milk....most days I oblige.-several times a week when I am in her room with her she will thank me for painting her room pink...she is so thankful for so much but this one is continual.
-she loves to pray at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime.
If you are sad around jasmine she is very attentive to you by stroking your hair, and asking you if you are alright. She is very compassionate to people when they are hurting.
Jasmine has a love for people and life that is contagious. When we are in stores she doesn't hesitate to say Hello to a small child, or an aging Grandpa, which in turn always brings a smile. She just loves people.
I am so very proud of what Jasmine has, and is becoming, she amazes her daddy and I all the time...and we are so grateful for her little life we are able to shape toward Jesus.
LOVE that little girl!! She is so special...her light is gonna shine so bright AIN'T nobody gonna miss her!!!:)