Saturday, September 29, 2012
Lots of learning up in here!
We chose to keep the girls home and homeschool them this year for pre-k and preschool. I know it's said often, but until you are a parent it's hard to really know...but time goes so fast and kids grow up much too quickly. I'm loving having my sweet girls home with me this year so I can teach them and train them. I don't know how long we will homeschool we are waiting for clear direction from God this year. Here are some pictures from the first few weeks.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Summer has been fun and so busy so far. We have officially moved and are getting settled into the new normal. We are really liking the area and all the opportunities available to us. I do miss my comfort zone sometimes I am learning to adjust. Here is a recap of June and part of July. My girls are growing like weeds, so glad I have captured them in these stages!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Date night

Saturday, June 2, 2012
I am learning how to blog from my iPhone and post pics from Instagram. This could get crazy:-)
The girls and I spent the week in Topeka with Dereck while my sister and bil were out of town. The girls and I took advantage of the opportunity to learn all about the fun things to do in and around Topeka. We are so tied to live here and have so many fun things to do. Here are a few photos from our little trip.... Via Instagram:-)
The girls and I spent the week in Topeka with Dereck while my sister and bil were out of town. The girls and I took advantage of the opportunity to learn all about the fun things to do in and around Topeka. We are so tied to live here and have so many fun things to do. Here are a few photos from our little trip.... Via Instagram:-)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Funny Stuff!
The girls have been saying pretty cute and really funny stuff lately so I thought I would get on here and document it before it is forgotten!
One day Jasmine was interrupting a daycare parent and I as we were talking about their childs day. So I stopped talking looked to Jazz and said that I needed her to wait until I was done talking to the adult before I would talk to her, I went on to remind her of the rule we have of touching my elbow when I am talking and then when I am finished I will feel her hand on my elbow and talk to her. So I guess I talked to long and she finally said "Mom I HAVE to tell your elbow something."
We were at a party and Jasmine had several things on her plate but especially liked the marshmallows. She asked if she could have more and I told her that she should eat the other food first and then we would talk about more marshmallows. So she went on for a couple more minutes of eating then said "Mom I am ready to talk about the marshmallows" She is a smart one!
We were outside one day and the moon was starting to come out, Jessie was across the yard and come look at what she was seeing (the moon) she said I want to go get it. I said Jessie its too high in the sky and we couldn't reach it. She said she would go in the house and get her fairy wings and fly up and get it.
Oh baby girl I wish it were that Easy to go get the moon, I would for sure give it to you if I could.
Dereck was putting Jessie in the car and was putting her in the black carseat instead of the pink one. She was throwing a big fit, so finally Dereck asked why and she stated "The pink one matches my shirt!" She did have a very good point!
Those are the only ones I could think of right now but everyday I am laughing about something, so I will be back:-)
One day Jasmine was interrupting a daycare parent and I as we were talking about their childs day. So I stopped talking looked to Jazz and said that I needed her to wait until I was done talking to the adult before I would talk to her, I went on to remind her of the rule we have of touching my elbow when I am talking and then when I am finished I will feel her hand on my elbow and talk to her. So I guess I talked to long and she finally said "Mom I HAVE to tell your elbow something."
We were at a party and Jasmine had several things on her plate but especially liked the marshmallows. She asked if she could have more and I told her that she should eat the other food first and then we would talk about more marshmallows. So she went on for a couple more minutes of eating then said "Mom I am ready to talk about the marshmallows" She is a smart one!
We were outside one day and the moon was starting to come out, Jessie was across the yard and come look at what she was seeing (the moon) she said I want to go get it. I said Jessie its too high in the sky and we couldn't reach it. She said she would go in the house and get her fairy wings and fly up and get it.
Oh baby girl I wish it were that Easy to go get the moon, I would for sure give it to you if I could.
Dereck was putting Jessie in the car and was putting her in the black carseat instead of the pink one. She was throwing a big fit, so finally Dereck asked why and she stated "The pink one matches my shirt!" She did have a very good point!
Those are the only ones I could think of right now but everyday I am laughing about something, so I will be back:-)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Nothing planned but fun day
Last Saturday Dereck and his Pop went to Norman for a K-State OU basketball game. So that meant that all us girls could do something together. So Dereck's Granny came over to join the girls, myself, and Grandma Hutch for the day. I had purposefully done all my chores the night before so the house wouldn't need cleaning, and there wouldn't be any projects needing attention for one whole day. I was up till midnight....but I had a free Saturday to spend with my girls so it was worth the late night. My main goal was to do things that would be fun for the girls. Sooo first we slept in a little and the girls came and snuggled in bed with me and drank chocolate milk while we talked and giggled. Then we got up and made pancakes, and then got ready for the day. The girls colored for a little bit while I cleaned up from breakfast. Then once the one chore was done we played memory match game. After the game, we got our shoes and jackets and headed to wal mart, the main reason for the trip was for the girls to look at the fish, ride on all those overly priced rides, and pick out some valentine day window decorations. The girls had a blast! Jessie especially liked riding a small bicycle down the isle. I am definately getting her that for her Birthday. After our walmart adventure we went to Graves and ate some lunch. Then it was naptime for the girls and Grandma, and movie with a cozy blanket for Granny and I. We watched Never Been Kissed. Then I got a tea party ready for the girls for when they woke up. When they got up we had a chocolate cake, and pink lemonade with their new Belle teaset. Then the girls wanted to watch cartoons for a little bit. It was so much fun just spending the day with just girls. We are going to have to do it again soon!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
And Again:-)
So much has happened since I last posted back in September! I have 2 little girls who continue to grow and change. And there is always something going on in our little world. So lets back up, shall we? September 12th we celebrated Derecks 28th Birthday. Dereck had to go to OKC for a training for work, so the girls and I packed up and headed with him so we could be with him on his special day. Really it ended up that we were able to eat breakfast with him, and then he headed to a training. That didn't stop us girls though we went ahead and spent the day celebrating for him! I took the girls to this free kids museum, then headed to the park to play for a little bit before heading to chick fila for lunch and some more play time. After that I let the girls rest in the car for about an hour, then we headed to the mall to pick out some gifts for Daddy, and play on the super fun stuff in the play area. Once Dereck was done with training, he met us at the mall, and found some shoes he liked. After the mall we went to Texas Roadhouse for his Birthday dinner, then headed back home. Dereck said he didn't want a big birthday celebration, so we went to my parents home and my Mom made eggrolls the following Sunday, thats usually what Dereck will pick if he is picking:-)
September 6th was when My big girl Jasmine started preschool at the First Baptist Preschool! She will only go 2 1/2 hours 9-11:30. She was pretty excited, as were we. I didn't think I would be a mom that cried when their kids went to their first day of school, but seeing her walk into that classroom with her big backpack, looking all grown up, I wondered where the time had gone, she acted like this was normal and seemed to fit right in with the other kids. I did leave, and manage to walk to the car before I let the tears roll:-) Jessie really didn't understand why she didn't get to go but she has finally gotten used to being away from Sissy for those 2 hours of preschool.
September 22nd we celebrated our 1 year Adoptiversary by taking the girls to the zoo, then to the mall to pick out their adopted build a bear animals some new clothes and accessories, then we ate dinner at Old Chicago, it was a lovely day celebrating such a lovely thing. I am so thankful we were chosen to parent these 2 amazing little girls.
October wasn't any less busy. Jasmine turned 4 on the 19th. We made cupcakes for her friends at school, and she got to be the leader that week which made her day even more special. Her favorite part of being the leader at school is that she gets to hold the American flag. After dayare kids left, we headed to McDonalds for a small family birthday party complete with balloons, cake, and PRESENTS. We ate and the kids played at the play place! I planned a Fancy Nancy Birthday party for Jazzy and about 10 other little girls the Saturday after her actual birthday. I based it off of one of the books. In the invitation I asked all of the girls to come in their fanciest clothes,Started the party off by having my mom read the book, then the girls got to get more fancy by getting their nails painted, shopping for jewelry at a table set up with fancy items, then they got to make their own fancy necklace with their name on it, after that i served them lunch and had cake, and parfaits (fancy for Sundaes) All the girls seemed to have fun being fancy for a day! We also celebrated Arkalalah, and like usual jasmine ended up coming down with something so she missed out on several of the festivities. Although she did fit in some time at the carnival before she got it!
November we celebrated Thanksgiving at my parents' house, it was a lovely day filled with family and food!
December we had several fun things go on. Dereck and I were in a Christmas program at our church. We went on another weekend trip to Branson with all of my family, and loved seeing Silver Dollar City all lit up for Christmas, it was very magical. Then we celebrated Christmas with our families. Christmas Eve at our house with my whole family, Christmas day morning at home with the girls, then we drove to my parents to open presents and have Christmas Dinner, then Christmas Day night we went to Dereck's Dad's house. The girls were so blessed with a lot of really nice gifts from family! Now I just have to find room for everything. Then on New Years Eve my friend Heather got married and she had Jazzy be the flower girl. Jazzy was beautiful and we had a blast ringing in the new year that way!
So for one of my new years goals I am wanting to blog more often maybe just maybe once a week! So Here's to 2012!
September 6th was when My big girl Jasmine started preschool at the First Baptist Preschool! She will only go 2 1/2 hours 9-11:30. She was pretty excited, as were we. I didn't think I would be a mom that cried when their kids went to their first day of school, but seeing her walk into that classroom with her big backpack, looking all grown up, I wondered where the time had gone, she acted like this was normal and seemed to fit right in with the other kids. I did leave, and manage to walk to the car before I let the tears roll:-) Jessie really didn't understand why she didn't get to go but she has finally gotten used to being away from Sissy for those 2 hours of preschool.
September 22nd we celebrated our 1 year Adoptiversary by taking the girls to the zoo, then to the mall to pick out their adopted build a bear animals some new clothes and accessories, then we ate dinner at Old Chicago, it was a lovely day celebrating such a lovely thing. I am so thankful we were chosen to parent these 2 amazing little girls.
October wasn't any less busy. Jasmine turned 4 on the 19th. We made cupcakes for her friends at school, and she got to be the leader that week which made her day even more special. Her favorite part of being the leader at school is that she gets to hold the American flag. After dayare kids left, we headed to McDonalds for a small family birthday party complete with balloons, cake, and PRESENTS. We ate and the kids played at the play place! I planned a Fancy Nancy Birthday party for Jazzy and about 10 other little girls the Saturday after her actual birthday. I based it off of one of the books. In the invitation I asked all of the girls to come in their fanciest clothes,Started the party off by having my mom read the book, then the girls got to get more fancy by getting their nails painted, shopping for jewelry at a table set up with fancy items, then they got to make their own fancy necklace with their name on it, after that i served them lunch and had cake, and parfaits (fancy for Sundaes) All the girls seemed to have fun being fancy for a day! We also celebrated Arkalalah, and like usual jasmine ended up coming down with something so she missed out on several of the festivities. Although she did fit in some time at the carnival before she got it!
November we celebrated Thanksgiving at my parents' house, it was a lovely day filled with family and food!
December we had several fun things go on. Dereck and I were in a Christmas program at our church. We went on another weekend trip to Branson with all of my family, and loved seeing Silver Dollar City all lit up for Christmas, it was very magical. Then we celebrated Christmas with our families. Christmas Eve at our house with my whole family, Christmas day morning at home with the girls, then we drove to my parents to open presents and have Christmas Dinner, then Christmas Day night we went to Dereck's Dad's house. The girls were so blessed with a lot of really nice gifts from family! Now I just have to find room for everything. Then on New Years Eve my friend Heather got married and she had Jazzy be the flower girl. Jazzy was beautiful and we had a blast ringing in the new year that way!
So for one of my new years goals I am wanting to blog more often maybe just maybe once a week! So Here's to 2012!
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